Jihad in Islami: Al-Asgha and Al-Akbar

In Islamic scriptures, the term "jihad" is commonly mentioned as war. Jihad is an Arabic word that also means "struggle" or "striving" in the path of God. It is an important concept in Islam that encompasses various dimensions, including personal, spiritual, and societal aspects. It is important to note that the understanding and interpretation of JIHAD can vary among different Islamic scholars and sects.

In general, Jihad can be classified into two main categories:  Jihad al-Akbar(Greater Jihad) & Jihad al-Asghar. 

Jihad al-Asghar is refers to the inner struggle of a believer to purify oneself, resist temptations, and improve one's character. It involves striving against one's own negative desires, practicing self-discipline, and seeking spiritual growth. 

Jihad al-Akbar is refers to the outward struggle or physical defense of Islam and the Muslim community. It includes efforts to promote justice, protect the oppressed, and defend the faith in the face of aggression or persecution. 

Love Jihad: The term "Love Jihad" has gained attention in recent years, sparking debates and discussions in various communities. It refers to a controversial concept that suggests Muslim men are engaging in deceptive tactics to convert non-Muslim women to Islam through romantic relationships. This review aims to shed light on the "Love Jihad" narrative, exploring its origins, implications, and the complexities surrounding it.

Jihad and Terrorism: The terms "jihad" and "terrorism" are often used interchangeably in public discourse, leading to misconceptions and misunderstandings about their meanings and implications. This review aims to provide clarity on the relationship between jihad and terrorism, exploring their definitions, historical context, and the diverse interpretations within the Islamic faith.

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